Good Advice from Brad

Good Advice from Brad
"Let me think about this for a minute!

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Getting the guts to be gutsy.

Brad, I just ran the 3200m at a track meet. I didn't do very well. I've always heard that one needs to take some risks and make some gutsy moves. I have never been one to do such a thing, but I think that it would help me. How do I learn to take some risks and run a less hesitant race?

Jeff - Kaysville, Utah

Well Jeff, this one is simple. Have you ever read the book The Secret? All you need to do is write down what you want on a piece of paper and it will come true. But as you know, I wouldn't let you off the hook like that. Don't buy The Secret. Unless you want to blow a few bucks.
In order become a gutsy runner you have to know what you are trying to do. "Running Gutsy" is very ambiguous. To me, that just means getting a goal you are shooting for and doing what you need to do in the race to make it happen.
If you are looking to feel good about your race you need to get a specific goal. Whether it's "run a 10:00 3,200." or "Take top 3". I also suggest having a few goals like: "Set a PR, Run a 10:00 3,200, Take top 3, Beat Topher Tacklehuckin, etc".
Running is hard. If you don't have a specific target, you will oft times find yourself feeling less that happy about your races. Sure, a lot of races you won't hit your top goal, but it is learning from those races that will get you there.
Running on the track has it's advantages. You know exactly where you are in each race, since the track is measured out. You can set a Goal time, and check to see where you are. Say you want to run a 4 minute mile (I know what you are thinking. Just an example kids. Just an example.) You know that you need to run each 400 in 60 seconds. Each 200 in 30 seconds, and each 100 in 15 seconds. Break the race up and monitor your times. If you come through the first 400 in 17 seconds (Not bad depending on your race strategy) you know you have 2 seconds to make up. Run the next 100 in 14 seconds and you know you have 1 second to make up now. I don't want to make this confusing, but I hope you get the point. Running a Gutsy race , as far as I am concerned, is having a goal, and doing whatever you need to do in order to get it down, come hell or high water.
If you look at elite runners, they know what time they want to run. Even in a Marathon, if you ask them where they want to be time wise at the 5K, 10K, 15K, Half Marathon, etc. I will bet my bottom dollar they will know. If they get out and conditions aren't right for that goal, I can bet you that they have a Plan B, Plan C, and so on.
Like I have said before: "Running is not rocket science." I know when you hear something like "Running a 'Gutsy' Race" it seems like there is some magical thing you need to do. It's not that at all. When someone has guts, they do what they set out to do. And if they didn't hit their goal, they had done all they could do to have accomplished it.
If you look back at the post about "Becoming a great runner", you will see that you don't run gutsy without first putting in the work. I know your coaches...if fact, Your coach is my BFF. He knows EXACTLY what he is doing. You are in great hands. If you want to run gutsy in races then you need to put in the work in practice. You can WANT to run Gutsy all you want, but there is no magic involved. If you do not train hard then running Gutsy is something that you can't obtain. If you put in the work, the rest is just details.Get with your coach and let him know what your goals are. I know he will help you get there. Coaches are very busy. There are a lot of runners. But I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if you go to them and ask for help, they will give you all of the attention you need. It has nothing to do with speed. It has to do with who wants the help, and who wants to run their best. Ask and ye shall receive.
It is also a good idea to write down what you are trying to do. Write your goals down. But writing it down isn't the what makes it happen. The work makes it happen. But it is very helpful in reminding you what you want to accomplish.
I know you Jeff. I know you are a hard worker. I have no doubt you are a gutsy runner. You just need to pin point what you want to do, and talk with your coach to get a plan to get there. Then go into your next race knowing your splits and where you have to be. I know when you have that goal, you will be there. You are a gutsy runner. You just don't know it...YET.

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Trust me, it's locked."

As I have come to know, most people do not like looking like an idiot. How do I know this? They tell me so. But still, I oft times wonder why people do things that make them look like an idiot. So like some of my past posts, I have more quality advice to keep you from looking stupid.
Next time you are walking up to a door...say it's a High School Gym...or a Church house, and someone says to you, "the door is locked." Don't be a dummy and try it anyway. Has someone ever said that to you and you went on to find the door was not locked? No. Did you feel like an idiot after they had told you it was locked and you still tugged on the locked door? Yes. so save yourself from the embarrassment that surely follows and take their word for it.
See, most people in this World, whether you want to believe me or not, are very caring and look out for other humans. Trust in people. * I am not saying that you should believe extraordinary claims with out extraordinary evidence. Always keep your skeptical eye open then. But when it comes to something as simple as letting you know you need to look for another way in since the door you're headed for is locked, trust them friend.
Now that is some good advice!