Jessica- Provo, UT
First things first. Begin by writing up an official declaration of war. And then run down to Home Depot and buy some 2 x 4's and plywood. Divide your room in half. Once this nut case steps foot on your side, hand her the declaration of war. Sure, she may balk at this declaration, but that's not your problem...she is now, officially the enemy.
Then offer no mercy for the rest of the semester, leaving the tap on any time you want. Dirty dishes in the sink? Not your problem either. "Oops! Her hair gel is mixed with glue!" Did you do that? who cares. This is war baby! and treating your apartment as such will bring joy to your Freshman year.
You can TRY to make the best out of a bad situation. Trust me, there is nothing I hate worse than someone who makes a big deal out of nothing, or is all up in my grill about my bees wax! But you need to realize this is her problem. You will not change her. And you have a choice. 1: Be annoyed all semester. or 2: Try and work it out. If it gets worse you may need to sit down with her and talk about it. You can tell her your concerns and she can cry about it... I mean, express hers. Point out that a dripping sink is not a big deal. When the sink is dripping acid on babies, then she can come cry about it to you.
She is going to do stuff that bothers you. You choose to let it bug you. Instead of it bugging you, find the humor in it. It is funny she calls her Mom over everything. The play by play is funny. Try laughing to your self. Her doing annoying things will only get more annoying unless you find the humor in it.
You are going to deal with any people in your life that will drive you nuts. They can either ruin your day, or give you a chuckle. I had room mates that drove me nuts. My first one in fact (Pictured below) lives in infamy. Some of my room mates and I still laugh about it. We turned what he did into something funny to us. And we have had years of smiles because of it. (Ask me about him sometime. Trust me, you will laugh.)

The Boaz- "Wanna Grapple?!?!
(Picture taken WITHOUT strict or written permission from Jeremy Boaz and was used in the "Learn how to wrestle" flyer placed throughout the campus of BYU-Idaho.)
This is your freshman year for Heaven's sake. Don't let a crazy room mate screw it up for you.
Talk him into putting on a show in your apartment.
Name your apartment the "Show Boat Theater" and get "The Magnet Man" to be your headliner.

Have him put on a "great"...or a show!

Earn yourself so extra cash selling tickets to his show by telling people it is for a business class. And then sell out your apartment.