Good Advice from Brad

Good Advice from Brad
"Let me think about this for a minute!

Need some Advice?

What gives?

Need help with something? Don't know what to wear on a date? Wonder if you should use a comma or not. Should you dump him? How can I run my best race? Should we pull the plug? How do I keep from getting so nervous before I race? What about this perm? Should I wear socks with these Teva's? Just email me and let me what kind of advice I should give.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Going in for the kiss!

What is the best way to set up a kiss?

Jake-Kaysville UT

I would say with another person, who you like, and likes you back. Then I would make sure that they are facing you so you don't kiss them in the back of the head. If you are just trying to kiss them on the hand, I would make sure you are facing his or her hand. I would make sure, prior to moving in or the hand kiss, that their hand is not covered in dirt, or even worse, dog or baby poop. That will make for a kiss that will leave you gagging every time you think about it after that.
Next, I would pucker your, hopefully ,soft, moist, lips too. It makes more a better kissing experience.
Setting up a kiss is nothing more than being with someone you really like, and likes you back. The mood is right. Your hearts are both pounding wildly as if to beg you to move in for the kill. You slide in closer. You lips are puckered in a puckering fashion. Your eyes will soon close, and WHAMO!!! You've got lip lock baby! If you think about it too much you are bound to make it awkward. Just let it ride my friend.
It's about being together more than anything. You'll see the signs. If she looks at your lips, you know she is eyeing down the prize. If she is looking up at you , you can take that sign to the bank. If you slowly move it, and her head turns away a bit, or her chin gets lowered...ABORT MISSION SOLDIER! Test out the water, make sure she wants to kiss you. Looks for the subtle signs. The looking in the eyes, licking of the lips, chap sticking of the kisser, the moving closer of the face. You'll know.
But remember, if she isn't giving you the signs, I suggest you slow it down a bit son. There is no use planting a kiss prematurely. It will just lead to not kissing those lips again any time soon.
Treat your ladies with respect, and you will find that your lips will be much more productive. Treat your ladies right son, and your lips will thank you. Don't rush, push, or shove it. Make sure she knows that she is what you care about, and the kiss is just a way to show that. If you make her feel like it's all about the kiss, you may as well have a cold sore. TREAT THE LADIES WELL!!! Not only do the deserve that, but you will also find you will have a lot more success in the smooching department.
Now get out there and start kissing!

Hotel legalities.

Brad,Let us pretend that we are staying in a hotel, and looking for something legal and fun to do. Do you have any ideas?

Jrit and Bess! - Kaysville, UT

There are lots of legal, and fun things you can do. None of which include, running a gambling operation, stealing valuable art, throwing televisions out of the window, or brewing your own beer in the tub.
Did you think about bringing a game of Scrabble? This will lead to hours of fun just "Scrabbling" and laughing with your friends. If you really feel like getting crazy, get a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew. I suggest avoiding the Caffeine Free version, as fun it is not. Pretty soon you may find yourself making "shadow puppets" on the wall.
Did you come to this hotel with people who are actually fun? If so, you are off to a good start. If not, well, you should have asked for advice like: "I am going to hotel, should I bring someone who is fun?"
Some of the things that I have done that were the most fun were quite simple...and legal. It's not so much what you do, but how you do it. It is why Corbin "Thorbin" Talley and I have so much fun. In fact, one night in Boise, we found our selves in an all out "Bed war", sliding the bed in front of the bathroom door in hopes one would trip, taking ALL of the bedding off of the bed, taking the mattress and box spring off as well.
If you knew my brother's you will know that if we aren't having fun somewhere, we aren't there at all. Because if we are somewhere, we are having fun... and very few things have ever involved sitting in a Police Cruiser at 3:30 AM, giving fake names, and acting like you are just as confused as the officer is.
Open your mind, and just have fun. Just keep in mind, that other people who paid to stay in the hotel may not think your fun is all that fun. You'll have more fun if you don't tick them off.
In closing, I don't have anything specific for you. It changes with who you are with. You don't need to plan having fun. It's always time to have fun!

Paper or Plastic?

At the local grocery store the other day I was posed a question that caused severe inner turmoil. Maybe you can help? I had just finished purchasing some various food items, as well as some feminine hygiene products for my wife. Upon paying for the items the checkout girl posed this question; "Paper or plastic, sir?" What was I to do? I want to help the environment by reducing my petroleum based product consumption but yet I'm terribly frightened of brown paper bags ever since the "flaming bag of poop" incident. Should I conquer my fear and protect Mother Earth or give in to my fears and go with plastic? Any advice would be appreciated wise one.


Confused in Bakersfield

Oh the memories. who hasn't opened there door to find a paper bag in fire, only to stomp it out to find your once white loafers, are now just loafers.
But your fear needs to be beat. Plastic bags are not only littering our land fills, it takes too long for a plastic bag to break down. Not only that, in Los Angeles, they spend 8 Million dollars annually just cleaning them up. They are on power lines, alleys, you name it. Is that really where you want your tax money going?
But then again, do you really want paper? Bot really take up so much energy to create, let alone resources. Why don't you just buy a reusable bag?
But don't let me get on a high horse, that I don't even have. I do not use reusable bags. Should I? Yes. But, sad to say, as wonderful as I am, I'm just like everyone else..just more wonderful..and have great advice to boot. I typically get plastic as I use them for lots of other things. If I am going some where, and I may run, I put my clothes in a plastic bag. We take them on walks with our dog, so we can clean up after him. With most plastic bags not the best for lighting, it also takes away the temptation of leaving it afire, on your porch.
So this is where we all need to make a decision. Do we want to be a part of the problem? Will we choose the easiest way, thinking other people will make the right decision? Or will we be the one's to start? We don't have to do much to help. Recycle the things that are worth recycling. (That is Aluminum, metals and glass.) Turn your lights off when you are not in the room. A little will go a long way. And if you do these things you can still have your occasional paper bag to fill with Fido's "Loofer" to light on your neighbors lawn. We can't complain about Foreign oil if we're not doing our part. Save a gallon, become a runner.

Sock Purgatory.

Dear Brad, Every time I do my wash at least one of my socks go missing. Now I have a bunch of unmatching socks. How does this happen, is the "Legend of the Washing Machine Beast who Eats Socks" true?

Emily - Kaysville, UT

Emily, I fear you are not alone in this. I can not begin to tell you how many times I have lost just one sock. There are a few things we can do.
Number one: don't wash your socks any more. This will alleviate any losing of one sock. This will keep the "Washing machine Beast" un-fed, and possibly looking for a new residence to set up shop. But, this may have sour, nay, stinky consequences on your dating life. It may even have stinky consequences with your Non-dating life. It's just like Abraham Lincoln once said while buried neck deep in the Civil War. "No man who doth not wash his socks can win a war. His feet will be too dang smelly to sneak up on the Confederates." He had a point.
Your next option is to find a stream and wash them by hand. This will keep you away from the washing machine beast, and your socks will be clean...sort of. You may go for this option, but, well, this too may have grave consequences on your dating life as you will spend more time at the stream that will that lucky boy, with the great hair, chiseled body, and full lips.
My last piece of advice is to tie your socks together. Yep, in a knot. Or you can even get a mesh bag that you put all of your sock sin and put the whole bag in the washing machine. When my Dad had a locker up in the Weber state Track locker room that is how he did it. He had his bag that he gave the nice fellow washing stuff and his stuff would come back clean, and all there...even his socks.
Good luck with your washing. I am sure you will have two pairs of socks in no time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Road Running Rage!

Hey Brad, I haven't been able to run for quite some time, and things are getting weird. There are periods of time that I just can't remember what happened and its scaring me! Also whenever I see someone running by on the street I sometimes turn green and get huge muscles and start smashing buildings (The huge muscles part isn't so bad, but the uncontrollable rage is). What should I do about this? Please help me!

-Cody ,Kaysville UT

I feel your pain Cody! Being injured is one of the worst things I can think of. It is only behind being killed, having my teeth pulled out, having my head smashed beneath a 453 pound boulder, having my tongue pulled out by a squirrel, eating squash, or falling off of a cliff, on my list of crappy things.
You need to embrace the change you go through when you see people run. Smashing buildings is pretty cool. I bet the chicks die for it.
Once you have embraced it, channel it into good energy. Use that same rage on an exercise bike as you X-train yourself back to health. Use that anger to propel you on a bike that will lead to your recovery. Those things will get you back on to the road in no time.
You can be frustrated about your injury and watch other's run. Or you can do something about it, and hit the gym for some X-training. You will still turn green from time to time, but at least you are working on getting back on your feet and running.
If you're not doing anything to get running again, this rage is just a waste of time.

Now go get 'em Hulk!

What makes a great runner?

My question is very simple. What makes a good runner GREAT?

Logan, Kaysville, UT

This is actually a pretty easy answer. First of all, if you are a good runner, you probably already have genetics on your side. Unfortunately you can't coach genetics. You've either got fast genes, or you don't. It would be much easier if we were talking about jeans, instead of genes, as you would be able to go to "Fast Levi's for everyday people" and get yourself some fast jeans.
Hopefully your parents,when they fell in love, just happened to have those genes that are meant for out running wolves. And then when they gave each other that "special hug", they passed those genes on to you. But this is the easy part, as long as you got the proper genes. You can't do anything about this.
The second part you have control over. You have to do the work. You have to put in the miles. You have to out run the wolves, if you will. I have NEVER met a GREAT runner who did not put in the work. I have never met a GREAT runner who didn't do their long runs. There isn't a great runner on this earth that didn't pay the price on the track during intervals.
To be a great runner it needs to go from running being an activity, to running being what you base your day around. Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating enough food. Are you guzzling enough water? For GREAT runners, running is a priority. Now don't get me wrong, it's not everything. Life needs to be well balanced. This will help your running. You always have to leave yourself time for running down the ladies. Distance running is lonely enough as it is. With out the ladies, it's just plain nutty.
Running isn't a game, like most other sports. It's a chance for you to push yourself. A chance for you to see what you are really made of. It's a chance for you to push yourself further than you ever thought possible, only to push yourself further the next time. It teaches you how to deal with what life throws at you. Once you've run a race as hard as you can, pushing through the pain, and never giving up, there is nothing you can't get through in any other aspect of your life. Learning to run harder when you feel like slowing down is where you earn the real reward.
Another aspect of becoming a great runner is KNOWING you are a GREAT runner. I can promise you no one has ever won a Gold Medal without thinking they could do it. "How do you get this confidence?" You might ask. Did you read the last paragraph of am I writing this to myself? The only way to gain confidence is to put in the work. With out the HARD WORK, you can do all of the mental preparation you want and you'll still look like worn out t-shirt as you race on down the road. I'm sure you've heard the phrase: "The will to win isn't worth a nickel unless you have the will to prepare."
To put it simply, the race is won during the training, long before it is won in a meet. Once you have gotten your body into the best shape it can be in, only then can you hope to become great. It is not rocket science by any means. 1 + 1 =2
Once the work is done, you then can start hoping for everything to come together on race day. Know that even after all of the work, sometimes it won't come together. Some days you just don't have it. Sometimes it too hot, or you injure yourself. You may even come up with a case of the "Oopsy Poopsy's" race morning. That's just the beast of the sport. But realize if you have done the work, there will be more days when everything works out perfectly. You will race your hardest and run faster than you ever imagined. You will feel your hard work paying off. Without putting in the work, these days will never happen. Without the work, you'll NEVER see those days.
The ability to be GREAT is in your hands. Are you going to hit the roads the days you'd rather be watching "Saved by the Bell"? Are you going to push those days on the track when your lungs feel like they are about the burst? Are you going to pull yourself out of bed those dark mornings to meet up with the team for a morning run? Are you going to run down the person in front of you even when the race is not on the line? Are you going to kick to the finish even when no one is watching, and you aren't going to change your position anyway? Are you going to get to bed early when you have a hard workout, or race the next day? Are you going to believe in your hard work? Are you going to push out those thoughts of doubt? Are you going to bow to the pressure or rise to the occasion?
You can do it Logan. You have the drive and ability. You have great coaches who can help you with race strategy, and great work outs. The rest is up to you. Get out and put in the work, and the rest is just details. If you don't train like you are the best runner out there, you never will be.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Help me help you!

Every one needs help...well except for me. Wait, I take that back. I need help helping you. If you don't send me your problems I can't help you. And if I don't help you there is a pretty good chance your life will fall apart. And no blame can be put on me because of your lack of asking for help.
Hey, you trust me right? You know I know what's best for you. so why do you push me away like you do? That is a sign of someone who really needs my help. So come on, throw that question. "Should I put on Ketchup or Mustard first?" "Do I rub his feet even though he has athletes foot?" "Should I hang up that poster of the new "90210" cast or not?"
Come on people, this is your chance to not let your life go all to crap.