Good Advice from Brad

Good Advice from Brad
"Let me think about this for a minute!

Need some Advice?

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Even the French kiss.

" I have a question...
If a person kisses someone with a piece of paper between their mouths does that mean they're still VL (assuming they've never kissed anyone before)?"

-- Ça ne fait pas grand bien de s'installer dans les rêves en oubliant de vivre.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.
-Albus Dumbledore

Dearest Albus,

It’s not so much the act of touching lips that means anything. It is why those two soft, most luscious lips are coming together for that brief moment that means something.
Whether or not a piece of paper was between your lips means nothing. It’s like asking if it’s a real kiss if there is thin barrier of Chap Stick between your lips.
Kissing is great. Forget about VL clubs and get to showing people you care.

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