Good Advice from Brad

Good Advice from Brad
"Let me think about this for a minute!

Need some Advice?

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Answering a date.

I need to answer my date for the homecoming dance. How should I do it? By the way. He has long hair.
Lindsy - Kaysville ,UT

Easy, cut his hair off when he is asleep and spell the words "Yes" on his Kitchen table out of his long locks. At first he will be mad, but when he sees it on his table, next to his "Loopy O's", he will get a good laugh. And he'll get his hair back.
Or you can kidnap his family pet, shave "Yes" into it's fur, or maybe never give it back, and say it's what he owes you for going out with him. You have a new, free pet, and he gets to go out with the girl of his dreams.
If these ideas don't tickle your fancy, I would suggest doing something that you have never heard of being done. The element of surprise works best. Scaring him is what I would try. Something late at night. Get his family involved. Find out his fears, whether it be ghosts, or social situations. By answering him in a non-traditional way, this will show him how excited you are, and that you really put some time into it.
I once heard of someone writing "Yes" on a grain of rice, and putting it in a mason jar full of rice. But is this the kind of torture you want too put your "Knight in shining armor" through?
I would try to think of surprising him, somewhere he would not expect to be surprised. A little brain storming session with your friends, or coaches could produce some amazing results. But before this session of storming brains, I suggest doing your homework, on his fears, where he goes, and how you could surprise him. Then let the "Brain Trust", I mean, your group of friends help you plan the attack. I look forward to find out what happens.


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